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User Assistance

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System Requirements

As you work in the system, some buttons have mouse-over tip text for more information about how to use parts of the screen.

To supplement the on-screen instructions, this help system is designed to assist you in finding answers to questions that you may have about the online portals. Field-by-field details are provided for the most commonly-used screens.

Help-System Navigation

Open the help system for your role by clicking on help on the navigation bar.

  • Full-Text Search. Open the Help, and type a word into the Search, and press Enter or click on Search icon. As a result, all topics that contain the search entry are listed. If no match is found, "Your search for [] returned 0 result(s)" displays. If topics are found, to display a topic, click on its link. Optionally, scroll through the list of topics, try another search, or look in the table of contents.
  • Tabs. Click on a topic from the Contents tab or use the Index to locate a topic of interest.
  • Index Search. Open the Help, and click on the Index tab. Scroll through the entries, or type a keyword (or first letter) in the Search Index field. To display the topic for that index entry, press Enter or click on it.
  • Browse Contents.  Open the Help to display the Contents tab, or to return to the table of contents, click on the Contents tab. Click once on a book to display its topics. To see a topic, click on it. To close a book, click on it again. Scroll to view topics and additional folders.
  • Links. Within a topic, find related information by clicking on hyperlinks. The hyperlinks (or links) in the help are words that are underlined and blue or purple.
  • Detail/Overview. For field-by-field information about a screen, click on the image or hyperlink for Details found under the topic title. To return to the screen's overview topic, click on the image or hyperlink for Overview.
  • Next topic. The help system contains sequential topics, which you can navigate through by clicking on the next topic button.